2021 - 2025

193. Tailormade PMMA spheres: synthesis and growth mechanism.

O. Thüringer, R. Moreira, M. Bäumer, C. B. Mendive, Th. M. Gesing, A. Wollbrink
ACS Omega (2025) submitted.

192. New Double Transition-metal Mo2Nb2C3Tx MXene: Enabling Dual Functionality in Energy Systems.

S. A. Zahra, Th. M. Gesing, M. M. Murshed, I. Hussain, K. Zhang, S. Rizwan
Chem. Engin. J. (2025) submitted.

191. On-chip catalytic combustion of hydrogen using Pt and Ru quantum-crystallites on functionalized SiO2 aerogels.

A. L. S. Fiates, O. Thüringer, A. Schander, R. Moreira, M. Schowalter, W. Dononelli, K. Krämer, A. Rosenauer, Th. M. Gesing, M. J. Vellekoop
J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Engin. (2025) submitted.

190. Plagioclase feldspars (Ca1-xNax)(Al2-xSi2+x)O8: synthesis and characterizations of mechanical weathering relevant to Martian regolith.

Md. I. Jundullah Hanafi, M. M. Murshed, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 240(1-2) (2024) 13-27.

- DOI -

189. Synthesis of schafarzikite-type (PbBi)MnO4: structural, spectroscopic, magnetic and thermogravimetric properties.

C. M. Uribe-Rincón, K. Ghosh, Th. Frederichs, Th. M. Gesing, M. M. Murshed
J. Solid State Chem. 345 (2025) 125215(1-9).

- DOI OA -

188. Microscopic model extension for lattice thermal expansion up to phase-transition temperature.

Th. M. Gesing, L. Robben, M. M. Murshed
Phys. Stat. Solidi B (2025) online.

- DOI OA -

187. Making Parts on Mars: Laser processing of iron contaminated by regolith.

A. Kvaratskheliya, A. Filimonov, B. Bianchini, M. I. Jundullah Hanafi, Th. M. Gesing, T. T. Sasaki, P. Gargarelle, L. Mädler, I. Okulov
Mater. Today Adv. 25 (2025) 100566(1-11).

- DOI OA -

186. Electrochemical Iron Recovery from Biologically Produced Magnetite via Iron Oxide/Hydroxide Conversion: First Steps towards Terrestrial and Martian Applications.

R. Fayaz, F. La Mantia, M. Baune, A. Carissimo, G. Pillot, M. I. Jundullah Hanafi, Th. M. Gesing, S. Kerzenmcher, J. Thöming
Acta Astron. (2025) submitted.

185. Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of defect-rich forsterite as representative phase of Martian regolith.

Md. I. Jundullah Hanafi, L. Bastonero, M. M. Murshed, L. Robben, W. Dononelli, A. Kirsch, N. Marzari, Th. M. Gesing
IUCrJ 11(6) (2024) 977-990.

- DOI OA -

184. Data quality assessment of in-house total-scattering experiments for pair distribution function analysis.

K. Krämer, M. Etter, Th. M. Gesing, L. Robben
J. Appl. Crystallogr. (2024) submitted.

183. Synthesis, characterization and structure-property relations in mullite-type Pb2(Pb1-xSnx)O4 solid solution.

C. S. Reuter, M. M. Murshed, M. Fischer, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 239 (2024) 299-308.

- DOI -

182. Thermal properties of mullite-type SnAlBO4 and SnGaBO4.

S. Wittmann, M. M. Murshed, K. Ghosh, A. Koldemir, R. Pöttgen, C. B. Mendive, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2024) e20170(1-12).

- DOI OA -

181. Mechanochemical synthesis of full (Mg1-xFex)2SiO4 olivine-type solid solution relevant to Martian regolith: structural and spectroscopic characterizations.

M. I. Jundullah Hanafi, M. M. Murshed, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 239 (2024) 261-271.

- DOI -

180. Determination of the average crystallite size and the crystallite size distribution: The envelope function approach EnvACS.

Th. M. Gesing, L. Robben
J. Appl. Crystallogr. 57 (2024) S1600576724007362(1-11).

- DOI OA -

179. Synthesis and characterization of mullite-type Sn(Cr1-xVx)BO4: structural, vibrational, magnetic and thermal properties.

S. Wittmann, M. M. Murshed, L. Schumacher, A. Koldemir, R. Pöttgen, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 107 (2024) 6465-6476.

- DOI OA -

178. Broadening the realm of nanoporous gold catalysts: Preparation and properties when emanating from AuCu as parent alloy.

J. A. Tapia Burgos, Ch. Mahr, A. R. Silva Olaya, L. Robben, M. Schowalter, Th. M. Gesing, A. Rosenauer, G. Wittstock, A. Wittstock, M. Bäumer
ChemCatChem (2024) e202400280(1-14).

- DOI -

177. Thermal behaviors during lithium diffusion in Li0.4WO3 bronze studied by elastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering.

M. M. Murshed, M. Fischer, M. M. Koza, Th. M. Gesing
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26 (2024) 16191-16199.

- DOI OA -

176. Synthesis and characterization of (Pb1-xSrx)MnBO4: a study on crystal structural, spectroscopic and thermal analysis.

C. M. Uribe-Rincón, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 239(3-4) (2024) 109-117.

- DOI -

175. Optimizing lunar regolith beneficiation for ilmenite enrichment.

K. Kulkarni, M. F. Franke, M. I. Jundullah Hanafi, Th. M. Gesing, P. Zabel
Frontiers Space Technol. 4 (2024) 1328341(1-12).

- DOI OA -

174. Deoxidation Electrolysis of Hematite in Alkaline Solution – Impact of Cell Configuration and Process Parameters on Reduction Efficiency.

R. Fayaz, J. Thöming, F. La Mantia, M. Baune, M. I. Jundullah Hanafi, Th. M. Gesing, I. Bösing
ChemElectroChem (2023) e202300451(1-8).

- DOI OA -

173. Cation-assisted self-assembled pillared V2CTx MXene electrodes for efficient energy storage.

S. A. Zahra, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, S. Rizwan
Chem. Engin. J. 474 (2023) 145526 (1-12).

- DOI -

172. Mullite-type EMBO4: Synthesis, structural, optical and vibrational properties of rare tin(II) borates with M = Al and Ga.

S. Wittmann, M. M. Murshed, V. Bilovol, A. Koldemir, R. Pöttgen, U. Gro Nielsen, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 107 (2024) 1302-1314.

- DOI OA -

171. Indium containing sillenite semiconductor: synthesis, structural, spectroscopic and thermogravimetric analysis.

M. I. Hossain, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 106 (2023) 6268-6278.

- DOI OA -

170. Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic investigations of dolomite-type MSn(BO3)2 with M = Mn, Fe, Co and Ni.

S. Wittmann, M. M. Murshed, V. Bilovol, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 238(5-6) (2023) 167-175.

- DOI -

169. On red tin (II) oxide: temperature-dependent structural, spectroscopic, and thermogravimetric properties.

S. Wittmann, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Allg. Anorg. Chem. 648 (2022) e202200311 (1-11).

- DOI OA -

168. Crystallographic at non-ambient conditions and physical properties of the synthesized double-perovskites Sr2(Co1-xFex)TeO6.

A. Zaraq, B. Orayech, J. M. Igartua, A. el Bouari, D. H. Gregory, Th. M. Gesing
Dalton Trans. 52 (2022) 4086-4102.

- DOI  -

167. Effects of iron substitution and anti-site disorder on crystal structures, vibrational, optical and magnetic properties of double perovskites Sr2(Fe1-xNix)TeO6.

A. Zaraq, D. H. Gregory, B. Orayech, J. M. Igartua, A. el Bouari, J. D. Eales, P. A. Bingham, Th. M. Gesing
Dalton Trans. 51 (2022) 17368-17380.

- DOI -

166. Halide-sodalites: thermal behavior at low temperatures and local deviations from the average structure.

M. Wolpmann, M. Etter, A. Kirsch, F. Balzaretti, W. Dononelli, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 237 (2022) 39-50.

- DOI -

165. Understanding the Role of Flux, Pressure and Temperature on Polymorphism in ThB2O5.

Y. Hao, Y. Zhang, G. L. Murphy, P. Kegler, Y. Li, P. M. Kowalski, S. Blouin, S. Wang, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing, E. V. Alekseev
Dalton Trans. 51 (2022) 13376-13385.

- DOI OA -

164. Nano-crystalline precursor formation, stability, and transformation to mullite-type visible-light photocatalysts.

Th. M. Gesing, M. M. Murshed, S. Schuh, O. Thüringer, K. Krämer, T. Neudecker, C. B. Mendive, L. Robben
J. Mater. Sci. 57 (2022) 19280-19299.

- DOI OA -

163. Halide sodalites: Thermal expansion, decomposition and the Lindemann criterion.

M. Wolpmann, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 237 (2022) 39-50.

- DOI -

162. Revisiting the growth of large (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19 single crystals: Core formation and its impact on structural homogeneity revealed by correlative X-ray imaging.

C. Guguschev, C. Richter, M. Brützam, K. Dadzis, J. Schreuer, C. Hirschle, Th. M. Gesing, A. Kwasniewski, D. G. Schlom
Cryst. Growth Des. 22 (2022) 2557-2568.

- DOI -

161. Structural, vibrational, thermal and magnetic properties of NdMnTiO5 ceramic.

K. Ghosh, M. M. Murshed, Th. Frederichs, N. Kumar C. M., Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 105(2022) 2702-2712.

- DOI OA -

160. Thermal anomalies and phase transitions in Pb2Sc2Si2O9 and Pb2In2Si2O9.

M. Gogolin, M. M. Murshed, L. Bayarjargal, D. Klimm, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 236 (2021) 283-292.

- DOI -

159. Aluminum to germanium inversion in mullite-type RAlGeO5: characterization of a rare phenomenon for R = Y, Sm – Lu.

K. Ghosh, M. M. Murshed, M. Fischer, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 105 (2021) 728-741.

- DOI OA -

158. On the support dependency for the CO2 methanation - Decoupling size and support effects.

J. Ilsemann, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, J. Kopyscinski, M. Bäumer
Catal. Sci. Technol. 11 (2021) 4098-4114.

- DOI OA -

157. Synthesis and crystal structures of novel alkali rare-earth orthoborates K3RE3(BO3)4 (RE = Pr, Nd, Sm - Lu).

P. Chen, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
J. Mater. Sci. 56 (2021) 3639-3652.

- DOI OA -