2016 - 2020
156. Crystal structure and temperature-dependent properties of Na2H4Ga2GeO8 - a novel gallogermanate compound.
I. Peschke, L. Robben, Ch. Köhler, Th. Frauenheim, J.-Ch. Buhl, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Naturforsch. B 75(9-10) (2020) 805-813.
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155. KLi2RE(BO3)2 (RE = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and
Y): structural, spectroscopic and thermogravimetric studies on a series of mixed alkali rare-earth orthoborates.
P. Chen, M. M. Murshed, M. Fischer, Th. Frederichs, Th. M. Gesing
Inorg. Chem. 56 (2020) 18214-18224.
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154. Revisiting the crystal structure of Iwateite, Na2BaMn(PO4)2: a X-ray powder diffraction and Raman study.
G. Nénert, M. M. Murshed, T. Ben Hamed, Th. M. Gesing, M. Ben Amara
Z. Kristallogr. 235 (2020) 433-437.
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153. Synthesis and characterization of K2Pr2O(BO3)2: structural, spectroscopic and thermogravimetric investigations of a novel potassium praseodymium oxoborate structure-type.
P. Chen, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
Spr. Nature Appl. Sci. 2 (2020) 747(1-11).
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152. Synthesis and Thermal Investigations of Novel Types Eleven-Membered Ring Systems Consisting of the Group 14 Elements Si, Ge, and Sn.
N. Eleya, C. Appiah, E. Lork, M. Gogolin, Th. M. Gesing, T. Stauch, A. Staubitz
Molecules 25 (2020) 283(1-14)
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151. Czochralski growth and characterization of perovskite-type (La,Nd)(Lu,Sc)O3 single crystals with a pseudocubic lattice parameter of about 4.09 Å .
C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Brützam, T. M. Gesing, M. Gogolin , H. Paik, T. Markurt, D.J. Kok, A. Kwasniewski, U. Jendritzki, D. G. Schlom
J. Cryst. Growth 536 (2020) 125526.
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150. On the nature of the phase transitions of aluminosilicate perrhenate sodalite.
H. Petersen, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 235 (2020) 213-223.
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149. Uniaxial negative thermal expansion in the mullite- and borax-type PbAlBO4 polymorphs.
M. Gogolin, M. M. Murshed, M. Ende, R. Miletich, Th. M. Gesing
J. Mater. Sci. 55 (2020) 177-190.
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148. Single crystal growth and characterization of Ba2ScNbO6 - a novel substrate for BaSnO3 films.
C. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Brützam, T. M. Gesing, M. Gogolin, H. Paik, A. Dittmar, V. J. Fratello, D. G. Schlom
J. Cryst. Growth 528 (2019) 125263 (1-6).
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147. Thermochromic behavior of yttrium substituted bismuth oxides.
X. Liu, A. Staubitz, Th. M. Gesing
ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 11 (2019) 33147-33156.
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146. An Old Dog with New Tricks – Additions to the Cesium Lithium Chloride System: Cs3Li2Cl5 and the Hydrated Cs3LiCl4 · 4H2O.
T. Ordner, J. P. Scheifers, J. Flores, Y. Zhang, A. K. Iyer, Th. M. Gesing, B. P. T. Fokwa
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 30 (2019) 3526–3535.
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145. Synthesis and characterization of (Bi1-xRx)2Mn4O10: structural, spectroscopic and thermogravimetric analyses for R = Nd, Sm and Eu.
K. Ghosh, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
J. Mater. Sci. 54 (2019) 13651-13659.
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144. Elastic, Phononic, Magnetic and Electronic Properties of Quasi-one-dimensional PbFeBO4.
M. Curti, M. M. Murshed, Th. Bredow, D. W. Bahnemann, Th. M. Gesing, C. B. Mendive
J. Mater. Sci. 54 (2019) 13579-13593.
- DOI -
143. Structural, vibrational and electronic properties of SnMBO4 (M = Al, Ga): a predictive hybrid DFT study.
M. Curti, C. B. Mendive, Th. Bredow, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 31 (2019) 345701(10pp).
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142. Characterization of multiferroic Bi2Mn4O10 by dielectric and neutron spectroscopy.
F. Ziegler, Ho. Gibhardt, L. Köhler, Th. M. Gesing, M. M. Murshed, O. Sobolev, A. Piovano, G. Eckold
Phys. Stat. Solidi B (2019) 1800668(1-7).
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141. Structural, spectroscopic and thermoanalytic studies on Bi2Fe4O9: tunable properties driven by nano- and poly-crystalline states.
A. Kirsch, M. M. Murshed, F. J. Litterst, Th. M. Gesing
J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (2019) 3161-3171.
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140. Nanoporous Gold Functionalized with Praseodymia-Titania Mixed Oxides as a Stable Catalyst for the Water-Gas Shift Reaction.
J. Shi, A. Wittstock, Ch. Mahr, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, A. Rosenauer, M. Bäumer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 3278-3286.
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139. Highly active Sm2O3-Ni xerogel catalysts for CO2 methanation.
J. Ilsemann, A. Sonstroem, Th. M. Gesing, R. Anwander, M. Bäumer
Chem. Cat. Chem. 11 (2019) 1-11.
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138. Thermal properties of 2:1 bismuth borate: temperature-dependent characterizations of lone electron pairs.
M. M. Murshed, H. Petersen, M. Fischer, M. Curti, C. B. Mendive, V. Baran, A. Senyshyn, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 102 (2019) 2154-2164.
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137. An average structure model of the Intermediate Phase between Sodalite and Cancrinite.
H. Petersen, H. Zhao, L. Robben, U. Kolb, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 234 (2019) 351-361.
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136. Effect of the Degree of Inversion on Optical Properties of Spinel ZnFe2O4.
L. I. Granone, A. C. Ulpe L. Robben, St. Klimke, M Jahns, R. Dillert, F. Renz, Th. M. Gesing, Th. Bredow, D. W. Bahnemann
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 28267-28278.
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135. Temperature-dependent structural and spectroscopic studies of superparamagnetic (Bi1-xFex)FeO3.
A. Kirsch, M. M. Murshed, M. J. Kirkham, A. Huq, F. J. Litterst, Th. M. Gesing
J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (2018) 28280-28291.
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134. Temperature-dependent structural evolution and stability of divalent anion bearing alumosilicate cancrinites.
H. Petersen, L. Robben, Th. M. Gesing
Micro. Meso. Mater. 274 (2019) 94-101.
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133. Low-temperature anharmonicity and symmetry breaking in the sodalite |Na8I2|[AlSiO4]6.
L. Robben, I. Abrahams, M. Fischer, St. Hull, M. T. Dove, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Kristallogr. 234 (2019) 219-228.
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132. Visible-light photocatalysis with mullite-type Bi2(Al1-xFex)4O9: Striking balance between bandgap narrowing and conduction band lowering.
M. Curti, A. Kirsch, L. I. Granone, F. Tarasi, G. López Robledo, D. W. Bahnemann, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, C. B. Mendive
ACS Catal. 8 (2018) 8844-8855.
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131. Czochralski growth and characterization of TbxGd1-xScO3 and TbxDy1−xScO3 solid-solution single crystals.
C. Guguschev, J. Hidde, Th. M. Gesing, M. Gogolin, D. Klimm
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 20 (2018) 2868-2876.
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130. Chlorine-free, Monolithic Lanthanide Series Rare Earth Oxide Aerogels via Epoxide-Assisted Sol-Gel Method.
M. A. Worsley, J. Ilsemann, Th. M. Gesing, V. Zielasek, A. Nelson, R. A. S. Ferreira, L. D. Carlos, A. E. Gash, M. Bäumer
J. Sol Gel Sci. Technol. 89 (2019) 176-188.
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129. Investigations into the structure of PEO-layers for understanding of layer formation.
A. Friedemann, K. Thiel, U. Hasslinger, M. Ritter, Th. M. Gesing, P. Plagemann
Appl. Surf. Sci. 443 (2018) 467-474.
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128. Photocatalytic activity of titania films produced with plasma electrolytic oxidation.
A. Friedemann, K. Thiel, Th. M. Gesing, P. Plagemann
Surf. Coat. Technol. 344 (2018) 710-721.
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127. Thermal expansion behaviors of Li3AsW7O25: a case study for comparative Debye temperature for a large polyatomic unit cell.
M. M. Murshed, P.Zhao, A. Huq, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Allg. Anorg. Chem. 644 (2018) 253-259.
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126. Role of the precursor chemistry on the phase composition and electrochemical performance of thin-film LiMn2O4 Li-ion battery cathodes prepared by spray pyrolysis.
R. Kun, P. Schlee, E. Pal, M. Busse, Th. M. Gesing
J. Alloys Compd. 726 (2017) 664-674.
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125. Disordered but primitive gallosilicate hydro-sodalite: structure and thermal behaviour of a framework with novel cation distribution.
L. Robben, M. Wolpmann, P. Bottke, H. Petersen, M. Šehović, Th. M. Gesing
Micro. Meso. Mater. 256 (2017) 206-213.
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124. Structural and spectroscopic comparison between polycrystalline, nanocrystalline and quantum dot visible light photo-catalyst Bi2WO6.
M. Teck, M. M. Murshed, M. Schowalter, N. Lefeld, H. K. Grossmann, T. Grieb, Th. Hartmann, L. Robben, A. Rosenauer, L. Mädler, Th. M. Gesing
J. Solid State Chem. 254 (2017) 82-89.
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123. Thermal behavior of mullite between 4 K and 1320 K.
M. M. Murshed, M. Šehović, M. Fischer, A. Senyshyn, H. Schneider, Th. M. Gesing
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100 (2017) 5259-5273.
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122. Elucidating structural order and disorder phenomena in mullite-type Al4B2O9 by automated electron diffraction tomography.
H. Zhao, Y. Krysiak, K. Hoffmann, B. Barton, L. Molina-Luna, R. B. Neder, H.-J. Kleebe, Th. M. Gesing, H. Schneider, R. X. Fischer, U. Kolb
J. Solid State Chem. 249 (2017) 114-123.
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121. Synthesis, temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic characterization of the sodalite to nosean phase-transformation of │Na7.7(1)(MnO4)1.7(2)(H2O)0.8(2)│[AlSiO4]6.
H. Petersen, L. Robben, M. Šehović, Th. M. Gesing
Micro. Meso. Mater. 242 (2017) 144-151.
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120. Crystal chemical characterization of mullite-type aluminum borate compounds.
K. Hoffmann, T. J. N. Hooper, H. Zhao, U. Kolb, M. M. Murshed, M. Fischer, H. Lührs, G. Nénert, P. Kudejová, H. Schneider, J. V. Hanna, Th. M. Gesing, R. X. Fischer
J. Solid State Chem. 247 (2017) 173-187.
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119. Steam Reforming of Methanol over Oxide Decorated Nanoporous Gold Catalysts: A Combined In-situ FTIR and Flow Reactor Study.
J. Shi, Ch. Mahr, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, A. Rosenauer, M. Bäumer, A. Wittstock
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 (2017) 8880-8888.
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118. X-Ray and NQR Studies of Bromoindate(III) Complexes: [C2H5NH3]4InBr7, [C(NH2)3]3InBr6, and [H3NCH2C(CH3)2CH2NH3]InBr5.
T. Iwakiri, H. Terao, E. Lork, Th. M. Gesing, H. Ishihara
Z. Naturforsch. B 72 (2017) 141-151.
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117. Electrochemical Rutile and Anatase formation on PEO surfaces.
A. Friedemann, Th. M. Gesing, P. Plagemann
Surf. Coat. Technol. 315 (2017) 139-149.
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116. The influence of the pyrolysis temperature on the catalytic performance of Cobalt and Nickel containing precursor derived ceramics for CO2 methanation and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
M. Schubert, M. Wilhelm, S. Bragulla, Ch. Sun, S. Neumann, Th. M. Gesing, P. Pfeifer, K. Rezwan, M. Bäumer
Catal. Letter 147 (2017) 472-482.
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115. Highly active Co-Al2O3 based catalysts for CO2 methanation with very low platinum promotion prepared from Double Flame Spray Pyrolysis .
M. Schubert, S. Pokhrel, A. Thomé, V. Zielasek, Th. M. Gesing, F. Roessner, L. Mädler, M. Bäumer
Catal. Sci. Technol. 6 (2016) 7449-7460.
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114. Nanoparticle precursor into polycrystalline Bi2Fe4O9: An evolutionary investigation of structural, morphological, optical and vibrational properties.
A. Kirsch, M. M. Murshed, M. Schowalter, A. Rosenauer, Th. M. Gesing
J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (2016) 18831-18840.
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113. Formation, stability and crystal structure of mullite-type Al6-xBxO9.
K. Hoffmann, T. J. N. Hooper, M. M. Murshed, O. Dolotko, Z. Révay, A. Senyshyn, H. Schneider, J. V. Hanna, Th. M. Gesing, R. X. Fischer
J. Solid State Chem. 243 (2016) 124-135.
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112. Thermal expansion modeling of framework-type Na[AsW2O9] and K[AsW2O9].
M. M. Murshed, P. Zhao, M. Fischer, A. Huq, E. V. Alekseev, Th. M. Gesing
Mater. Res. Bull. 84 (2016) 273-282.
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111. NQR and X-Ray Crystal Structure Studies of Cadmium Halide Complexes: [C(NH2)3]CdI3 and [4-ClC6H5NH3]3CdBr5.
Th. M. Gesing, E. Lork, H. Terao, H. Ishihara
Z. Naturforsch. B 71 (2016) 241-248.
- DOI -
110. Symmetry reduction due to gallium substitution in the garnet Li6.43(2)Ga0.52(3)La2.67(4)Zr2O12.
L. Robben, E. Merzlyakowa, P. Heitjans, Th. M. Gesing
Acta Crystallogr. E 72 (2016) 287-289.
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109. Bi2Fe4O9: Structural changes from nano- to micro-crystalline state.
A. Kirsch, M. M. Murshed, P. Gaczynski, K.-D. Becker, Th. M. Gesing
Z. Naturforsch. B 71 (2016) 447-455.
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108. A versatile sol-gel coating for binary oxides on nanoporous gold and their application in the water gas shift reaction.
J. Shi, V. Zieleasek, M. M. Murshed, Th. M. Gesing, M. Bäumer, A. Wittstock
Catal. Sci. Technol. 6 (2016) 5311-5319.
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107. A new large-lattice-parameter perovskite substrate crystal.
R. Uecker, R. Bertram, M. Brützam, Th. M. Gesing, Ch. Guguschev, D. Klimm, M. Klupsch, A. Kwasniewski, D. G. Schlom
Cryst. Res. Tech. 457 (2017) 137-142.
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106. Mechanical properties of multiferroic Bi2Mn4O10: Full set of elastic constants determined by inelastic neutron scattering.
F. Ziegler, M. M. Murshed, H. Gibhardt, O. Sobolev, Th. M Gesing, G. Eckold
Phys. Stat. Sol. B 253 (2016) 976-982.
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105. Giant Volume Change and Topological Gaps in Temperature and Pressure Induced Phase Transitions of ThMo2O8: An Experimental and Computational Study
B. Xia, P. Kegler, Th. M. Gesing, L. Robben, A. Blanca-Romero, P. Kowalski, Y. Li, V. Klepov, D. Bosbach, E. Alekseev
Chem. Eur. J. 22 (2016) 946-958.
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J. Solid State Chem. 243 (2016) 124-135.
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Mater. Res. Bull. 84 (2016) 273-282.
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Z. Naturforsch. B 71 (2016) 241-248.
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Acta Crystallogr. E 72 (2016) 287-289.
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Z. Naturforsch. B 71 (2016) 447-455.
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Catal. Sci. Technol. 6 (2016) 5311-5319.
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Cryst. Res. Tech. 457 (2017) 137-142.
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Phys. Stat. Sol. B 253 (2016) 976-982.
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Chem. Eur. J. 22 (2016) 946-958.
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